Variously also referred to as Twin Oaks Cemetery or African Cemetery, Oak Cemetery is on South Dunn Street, immediately south of National Cemetery. The cemetery has been used by the black community of Fayetteville since the latter part of the 19th century. Names here include those compiled from three sources
Mary Cantwell and George Crabtree surveyed the cemetery in 1992. Three additional names had been earlier identified by Walter Lemke but were no longer seen by Cantwell and Crabtree. Many of the early graves were marked with uninscribed fieldstones or wooden stakes. Names and dates from 1992 to 2010 were added by Charlie Alison during a field survey on February 6, 2010.
- Veta K. Bagsby, September 25, 1950, to May 22, 1984
- Mary Elizabeth Barker, 1873 to 1955
- Sam J. Barker, February 1, 1884, to February 1, 1937
- Emma Baylor, 1886 to 1980
- Eulalia Bell, January 13, 1906, to December 12, 1969
- Richard Clarence Bell, February 14, 1907, to March 4, 1957
- Julia Peel Berry, January 10, 1882, to April 22, 1961
- Beckie Blackburn, mother, 1866 to 1949
- Belinda Nell Blackburn, May 25, 1959, to July 5, 2004
- Donald Ray Blackburn, June 21, 1955, to September 12, 2003
- Louise M. Blackburn, same marker as Major Blackburn, born November 13, 1913 to December 3, 1993
- Major Blackburn, same marker as Louise Blackburn, November 17, 1917, to November 2, 1969
- Michael Blackburn, July 17, 1953, to September 18, 1906
- Pearl Blye, same marker as Russell Blye, Mason poog, Eastern Star, born March 14, 1905, to February 5, 1999
- Russell M. “Poog” Blye, same marker as Pearl Blye, September 22, 1903, to November 7, 1979
- Millie Boner, February c1892 to c1898
- ______ Bowena, _____ of T.J. Rogers, death in 1906
- Ramon Davis Bradford, July 10, 1969, to December 6, 1994
- Rev. A.L. Buchanan, same marker as Sarah Buchanan, Mason, 1883 to 1962
- Hazel Buchanan, March 13, 1929, to January 14, 1987
- Jessie L. Buchanan, August 7, 1935, to December 29, 1998
- Leo Buchanan, 1907 to 1970
- Lester G. Buchanan, same marker as of Mattie Buchannan, 1898 to 1977
- Manuel Buchanan Jr., September 21, 1947, to February 17, 2003
- Mattie Buchanan, same marker as of Lester G. Buchannan, 1895 to 1970
- Sarah Buchanan, same marker as A.L. Buchanan, 1898 to 1969
- Sophronia Buchanan, wife of A.W., May 1, 1862, to June 19, 1918
- Verna Elizabeth Buchanan, “We love you forever, Kent, Sue, and girls.” 1904 to 1983
- Velma R. Buchanan, “Cook,” July 7, 1916, to February 3, 1990
- Viola M. Buchanan, August 16, 1911, to May 29, 1993
- Davus Carr, October 17, 1970, to September, 4, 1987
- Ellis Dean Carr, In memory of beloved husband and father, February 22, 1922, to May 6, 1971
- Ernestine D. Carr, February 15, 1937, to August 3, 2001
- Floyd R. Carr, May 20, 1937, to May 6, 1962
- Jacob I. Carr, Arkansas Private U.S. Army, died June 18, 1937
- Lola Jean Carr, loving mother, April 26, 1922, to February 15, 1994
- Madren V. Carr, June 24, 1906, to December 6, 1980
- Olaf Carr, died August 7, 1945
- Roberta M. Carr, April 28, 1922, to June 12, 1995
- Henry Columbus Childress Sr., June 4, 1904, to February 11, 1998
- Harry Clark, same marker as Mary Ann Clark, May 20, 1923, to February 1, 1993, married October 23, 1950
- Mary Ann Clark, same marker as Harry Clark, born August 13, 1931; married October 23, 1950
- Violin Claypool, July 5, 1895, to June 14, 1953
- J.C. Conley Sr., “beloved husband, father and grandfather,” November 22, 1924, to April 18, 2006
- Rosie B. Conley, “beloved mother and grandmother,” August 10, 1914, to January 18, 2007
- Annie Mae Cook, May 5, 1905, to September 4, 1975
- Nancy L. Cook, same marker as William Cook, September 13, 1881, to October 1, 1970
- William H. Cook, same marker as Nancy L. Cook, October 20, 1881, to February 23, 1963
- Billy Joe Cravens, father, October 11, 1925, to June 6, 2002
- Virginia Lee Cravens, mother, January 27, 1923, to February 21, 1997
- E.D., otherwise blank
- Lono Dart, May 13, 1905, to March 22, 1953
- Kirk D. “Kirkie” Deffebaugh Jr., beloved son, January 24, 1975, to February 25, 1997, with inscription “beloved daughter Ta Janae,” same marker as Kirk Deffebaugh Sr.
- Kirk D. “Sneezie” Deffebaugh Sr., born July 18, 1952, same marker as Kirk Deffebaugh Jr.
- Suella Whitney Deffebaugh, mother, 1895 to 1940
- Susie M. Deffebaugh, Big Mama, September 28, 1897, to February 19, 1978
- Alice M. Dennis, mother, 1917 to 1969
- Eric E. Denton, September 8, 1965, to February 15, 1990
- Fannie Denton, wife of Jack, same marker as Jack Denton, 1844 to May, 10, 1917
- Henry Denton, August 2, 1877, to August 2, 1897
- Jack Denton, same marker as Fannie Denton, 1833 to 1908
- Leone Denton, February 12, 1880, to May 31, 1910
- Ross L. Denton, son and brother, “At rest,” September 19, 1962, to January 3, 1992
- 1992
- Jeffie Dowell, 1877 to 1939
- Elizabeth Drake, December 1891, ____ 11, 1951
- Ozella Drake, September 7, 1897, to December 21, 1935
- Daniel Pete Evans, 1904 to 1944
- Gertrude Fisher, died September 1940
- Harriet Fisher, December 25, 1888 to November 24, 1953
- Viola J. Guyton, 1936 to 1990
- Daniele Hall, September 30, 1964, to March 4, 1967
- Mary Louise Hall, 1922 to 1939
- Mamie M. Hall, November 11, 1911, to June 18, 1986
- Harold N. Hayes, son “In memory of,” 1942 to 1962
- Shirley A. Hayes, same marker as William L. Hayes, born 1941
- William L. Hayes, same marker as Shirley A. Hayes, 1939 to 1975
- Baby Hoover, August 15, 1928, to August 28, 1928
- Francis Corinne Hoover, R.N. symbol, December 7, 1922, to February 13, 1998
- James C. Hoover, Private 15 Bn. Repb. Tng. Cen., July 4, 1896, to December 11, 1954
- R. Hoover, written on wooden stake, no dates
- Ressie Hoover, 1895 to 1928
- Ethel McPherson Howell, July 5, 1911, to September 27, 1997
- Sylvester Jackson Jr., December 19, 1944, to April 8, 2003
- Mrs. Henry Jenkins, mother, 1894 to 1951
- Lawrence Jenkins, Arkansas Corporal, 488 AAF Aviation Squadron of WWII, February 10, 1920, to October 20, 1951
- Labe Joiner, same marker as Ballie Joiner, 1884 to 1954
- Ballie Joiner, same marker as Labe Joiner, 1891 to 1971
- Bertha Jordan, December 13, 1904, to February 13, 1952
- Janese Mavine Jordan, July 23, 1960, to January 15, 2005
- Ocie Mae Jordan, same marker as W. Henry Jordan, 1914 to 1985
- W. Henry Jordan, same marker as Ocie Mae Jordan, 1904 to 1976
- Cathrine C.V.L. Lackey, daughter of C.L. & Roberta Lackey, born at Summers, Ark., died at Chicago, Member Mercy Baptist Church, Chicago, March 25, 1931, to December 2, 1971
- Tito V. Keller, “In honor of Jose’s,” March 30, 1977, to January 17, 1995
- George Kidd, June 19, 1871, to May 20, 1908
- Claude Lackey, 1907 to 1976
- Buford Logan Sr., born November 7, 1933, to June 2, 2005
- Contance L. Logan, married March 22, 1953; May 8, 1934, to January 27, 1981
- Mary Jane Logan, May 16, 1929, to August 19, 1991
- Bianca Mahone, 1990 to 1990
- Curtis W. Mahone Sr., PFC U.S. Army, Korea, February 3, 1934, to July 29, 1987
- Kenneth Howard “Dad Daddy-O” Mahone Sr., March 22, 1978, to April 14, 2008
- Mary Mae Mahone, “sweet rain,” June 11, 1942, to September 10, 2002
- Sydney Sharae Mahone, May 11, 1992, to August 29, 1992
- Chris C. Manuel, November 12, 1889, to July 28, 1951
- Lola Manuel, October 8, 1889, to July 6, 1969
- Susie M. Manuel, 1862 to 1952
- Joe Manuell, no dates
- Gordy Mason, died September 17, 1931
- Laura Mason, wife of Gordy, died August 17, 1936
- Mabeline Smith Mayfield, “Blessing from heaven,” August 13, 1927, to January 12, 1978
- Tonette R. McBride, 1958 to 2002
- Ollie McPherson, Missouri Pvt. 415 Reserve Service Battalion, born June 25, 1919, died?
- Victor Cortez McPherson, November 28, 1958, to April 20, 1988
- Sienna Means-McClendon, January 18, 2009, to January 26, 2009
- Florence Miller, mother, August 39, 1924, to May 15, 1990
- Glen Joyce Montgomery, May 8, 1947, to January 26, 2000
- Henry Moore?, age 77, September 1845 to March 7, 1922
- James E. Moore Sr., same marker as Madgline Moore, (Half Moon), June 2, 1927, to December 2, 1987
- Madgline “Meg” Moore, same marker as James E. Moore, born March 31, 1922
- B.B. Morgan, husband, 1890 to 1919
- Bobby Lee Morgan, same marker as Roberta M. Morgan, August 14, 1937, to January 9, 1996
- Roberta M. Morgan, same marker as Bobby Lee Morgan, born August 29, 1937
- Vila Morgan, no dates
- Miss Mary Morro, died November 10, 1896
- Andy J. Ollison, 1881 to 1950
- Zetta Ollison, September 16, 1891, to September 1, 1989
- Anna B. Parker, mother, same marker as Otis J. Parker, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want,” 1893 to 1974
- Rev. Isaac Parker, 1883 to 1961
- Otis J. Parker, father, same marker as Anna B. Parker, 1889 to 1976 (Cantwell and Crabtree note that family records show Parker’s date of birth as being March 24, 1890.)
- Rachl Parker, March 5, 1878, to December 19, 1927
- S.H. Parker, 1916 to 1971
- Tula Payne, 1913 to 1959
- Alice Peal, 1865 to 1936
- Andy Peel, July 4, 1886, to October 27, 1947
- Annie Peel, September 15, 1896, to May 31, 1984
- M.R. Peel, no dates
- Michael A. Pendleton Sr., “my beloved valentine,” March 1, 1954, to February 14, 1996
- Chester Pettigrew, son of W. & R., April 9, 1886, to January 19, 1900
- Rossetta Pettigrew, age 73, died March 13, 1917
- Willis Pettigrew, July 10, 1913
- Tashi A. Pugh, December 31, 1987, to May 24, 2004
- Ada “Polly” Reynolds, age 79 years, 12 days, died December 24, 1991
- Alvin Rich, September 11, 1909, to December 19, 1974
- Ruth H. Rich, December 29, 1905, to August 13, 1987
- David Richardson, birth and death on July 2, 1887
- Alfred Richardson, July 2, 1887, to July 4, 1887
- Mamie Hazel Robinson, July 27, 1935, to May 17, 1999
- Ben Franklin Savage, February 9, 1897, to November 2, 1967
- Ide Sheppard, August 14, 1878, to May 22, 1974
- Clara M. Smith, mother, same marker as Homer Smith, May 9, 1893, to March 16, 1990
- Clarence Smith, same marker as Margaret Smith, married December 25, 1937; October 27, 1916, to August 8, 1988
- Claude G. Smith, April 8, 1930, to May 18, 2005
- Elizabeth D. “Liz” Smith, August 3, 1951, to February 28, 1985
- Emmitt Smith, father, 1878 to 1937
- Florine Smith, our beloved, May 15, 1913, to December 16, 1951
- Frank Smith, Arkansas Pvt. 162 Depot Brigade, WWI, December 9, 1895, to March 11, 1948
- Homer Smith, father, same marker as Clara M. Smith, March 15, 1894, to September 3, 1989
- Leen Smith, February 12, 1917, to June 25, 1969
- Lucille Smith, August 25, 1845, to October 5, 1912
- Margaret Smith, same marker as Clarence Smith, born December 15, 1922
- Naomi Smith, mother, 1897 to 1983
- Sophia Smith, April 23, 1877, to February 7, 1928
- Allen Spencer, born 1989?, died ?
- Christine Spencer, April 15, 1915, to February 14, 2004
- Dennis Lee Spencer, March 22, 1943, to July 27, 2009
- Grace I. Steward, 1904 to 1969
- Lucy Sutton, died February 22, 1949
- James I. Taylor, father, January 7, 1911, to August 18, 2002
- Lucille M. Taylor, mother, November 19, 1914, to July 15, 1997
- William Taylor, Golden Heart Lodge No. 2134, August 25, 1845, to October 5, 1912
- Joseph B. “Jo Jo” Thompson Jr., “musician, mentor and friend,” April 6, 1927, to November 30, 1995
- Susie K. Thompson, December 19, 1861, to October 5, 1901
- Kenneth Earl Torrence, November 27, 1953, to August 8, 2006
- Rufus J. Torrence, 1924 to 1988
- Alice Tucker, 1883 to 1955
- Estella J. Vaughn, 1910 to 1967
- Henry Vaughn, 1907 to 1969
- Minerva Vaughn, 1854 to 1944
- W.D. Vaughn, age 45, died January 28, 1915
- Alice Walker, February 5, 1890, to November 27, 1921
- Andrew Walker, August 16, 1887, to July 25, 1934
- Codonn Walker, son
- Ethel C. Walker, 1887 to 1960
- Hali Valencia Walker, “our baby, our precious angel,” June 12, 1996, to December 17, 1996
- Ben Walton, November 16, 1900, to March 21, 1985
- Irene Walton, March 24, 1913, to September 7, 1982
- Baby Andrea L. Watson, 1968 to 1968
- Jeff L. Weaver, same marker as Roberta D. Weaver, April 13, 1907, to May 28, 1984
- Roberta D. Weaver, same marker as Jeff L. Weaver, born February 1, 1924
- Margrett West, 1819 to 1913
- Bro. Riley West, same marker as Othella West, February 28, 1910, to February 9, The Othella West, same marker as Riley West, born August 16, 1912, to August 1, 2003
- George Lewis White, “wisdom, strength, honor,” June 28, 1909, to August 28, 1992
- Millie I. White, daughter of Emma and Zeb Lewis, “Truly an angel on earth.” November 16, 1908, to July 1, 1984
- Frank Whitney, father, 1883 to 1928
- Smathia Williams, age 64, died January 8, 1909
- Willie Williams, age 12, died February 10, 1884
- Roosevelt Willis Sr., August 1961 to December 2005
- Alberta Woods, same marker as Ezell Woods, born 1922
- Ezell Woods, same marker as Alberta Woods, 1893 to 1961
- Harriet A. Wright, same marker as Lamont Wright, 1942-1999, married June 19, 1963
- Lamont Wright, same marker as Harriet A. Wright, born 1935, married June 19, 1963
- Robert “Sonny” Wright, April 21, 1952, to December 27, 2008
- Angie York, mother, April 26, 1894, to January 18, 1935
- Ann York, September 18, 1844, to February 19, 1928
- Marvine S. York, 1921 to 1987
- Norma A. York, 1931-1994
- Norvil Allen York, August 15, 1913, to December 29, 1979
- William Nelson York, “In memory of Father,” September 18, 1886, to December 26, 1958
- Ether Young, 1889 to 1969
- Lula Young, August 15, 1864, to August 6, 1929
- Quincy Young, September 11, 1911, to January 4, 1978
- Samuel Young Jr., December 20, 1864, to March 8, 1950
Cemeteries of Washington County Arkansas, Vol. 12 (Northwest
Arkansas Genealogical Society, Rogers, Ark., 1995)
Walter J. Lemke, Flashback, Vol. 8, Issue 6. (Washington
County Historical Society)
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